Friends I am SO sorry that it has taken me a week to post! I have been extremely busy this past week and I honestly didn't feel like sitting down and blogging!!!! But now I am going to tell you all the story of finding out Baby D's gender!
So right when I found out I was pregnant my wonderful friend Jenna told me about this place in the cities called Enlightened 4D Imaging, its an AMAZING ultra sound clinic where they do fabulous 2D 3D 4D ultrasounds, you name it AAAAND they can tell you the gender of your baby at 16 weeks (at my Dr. you have to wait til you're 20 weeks!) and of course since I am impatient I could not wait and booked my appointment very very very far in advance!!! (here's the link for those who are interested in the clinic,
Our appointment was last Thursday morning, the night before Sammy flew in from Puerto Rico (where he was visiting his beautiful family,) so me and mom and Sam stayed in the cities that night and my best friend Nikki met us at the hotel the next morning so we could all go to the ultrasound! The morning felt like it just dragged on, I could not wait to get to the clinic and find out what we were having! We finally got to the clinic which was literally .5 miles from our hotel, it took all of 2 minutes to get there, and needless to say we were SUPER early! Let me just take a second to give a shout out to this clinic, seriously, the BEST customer service I have ever had. They gave Sam and I a diaper bag, a cooler to keep milk cold, 2 containers of formula, a bunch of formula in bottles, a bottle, a bunch of coupons and more that I cant even think of right now. The receptionist, Bonnie, was so sweet and welcoming, and our Ultrasound tech was fabulous. He knew what he was talking about, he was hilarious and he made everyone feel really comfortable. I love this place and I will definitely go back!!!
Anyways, when we got there Nikki took little video clips of everyone talking to the baby and saying what our gender predictions were. I am really excited to see those videos and I am really glad that we are doing little things during this pregnancy that we can look back on and smile and have something to show for it. The ultra sound tech got there and led us back to the room. It was a huge room with couches and a big projection screen that we would see the ultrasound on. Everyone got all situated, I got the blue goo on my belly and we began the ultrasound. Right away you could see baby up on the screen heart beating super strong, the tech was moving the wand all over my belly trying to get different shots of baby. Well, baby wasn't budging, and I'm thinking, OH GREAT the baby's gunna be stubborn again! After a couple of minutes of me flipping on my side and upside down and doing backflips.... (okay maybe not the last two...) he showed us how the baby was sitting in a pocket in my uterus (that sounds really weird and gross!) and she was all comfy and didn't want to move. Wellll then he gets up and asks me if I like chocolate and I'm like DUH! I'm pregnant and I am a woman of course I like chocolate! So he disappears and comes back with a Lindor Truffle. Within 1 minute the baby's heart rate went up and the baby started kicking and flipping and moved to the complete opposite side of my uterus! It was the most amazing thing I have ever experienced, he showed us all the fingers and toes and legs and arms and heart and spine and explained all these different facts to us. I couldn't look away from that screen, before my eyes was the most amazing little human being, moving and kicking and raising its arms, and this little human was mine, with my DNA inside it's little body. It was so SURREAL.
All cozy in the pocket! |
The tech almost right off the bat had an idea of what the gender was, he kept saying that his prediction was very consistant with what he was seeing, and of course we were all dying to know!! Its so funny because before the ultrasound my mom thought the baby was going to be a girl and then she said she had a dream it was going to be a boy and then the whole ultra sound mom kept calling the baby a "he," I kept saying "OR SHE," I had a feeling the whole time that it was a girl. Finally the tech said, "okay guys, you want to know what you're having?!" and of course by this point my mom and Nikki are pretty much a foot from the screen eyes and video cameras glued to it! He went through showing us what we were looking at and talking about what these parts of the body were and what they were doing and then he said, "So that means, GIRL!" My jaw literally dropped, my mouth was wide open for 5 minutes, I was laughing and crying and these emotions just flooded over me of complete joy and peace. I was having a baby girl, I knew it all along, but that very moment just confirmed everything. It was one of the most precious moments of my life.
Its a GIRL! |
As soon as we got out of there all of us called about every person we could think of to tell them the news! Of course me, mom and Nikki were THRILLED because that meant fun girly baby clothes shopping!!!!! So after the ultra sound, thats exactly what we did, poor Sam..... He was so good though, what a guy, spending the day with.. now FOUR girls!! ;)
Well, this is a long post but thank you for sticking with me and reading, and motivating me to get this up before she is born! ;) haha! Love you all so much!
Baby "D" is a GIRL! |
until next time
<3 Me & Baby D.