Oh my word! 13 weeks! This post wont be as exciting as normal because nothing that spectacular happened besides BREAKING DAWN PART 2 COMING OUT!!!!! :)
My BFF Nikki and I went to BDP2 on Friday evening, it was so good, and when it was over I bawled like a baby, I literally hid my face into my purse trying to muffle my hysterical cries, I kept
saying crying "It's over!" Then I went to the movie again the next day with my wonderful man, and of course cried again. I seriously want to cry just thinking about it now, those closing credits were beautiful!!! (WHO AM I?! I've turned into such a sap!) Needless to say I loved the book series, I loved the movies, and I'm just devastated that "its over!" waaaahhhh! ;) oh pregnancy does wonderful things to your hormone levels!
This week I was super duper craving gyros from (drumroll please) the ever fabulous, Nupa! You're not supposed to have lamb and veal and all those
baby immature animal meats (it sounds better when I say it like that.) But I asked my doctor and she said that I could give into my desire, as long as it was in moderation! So yesterday I went to Nupa with my other BFF Tori and stuffed myself (with what room I have left in my abdominal cavity) with a delish Gyro and some Lemon Chicken and Rice soup! YUM-O! Other than that I still just want pasta all the time, and fresh fruit and veggies! Nothing else is really floatin my boat! But I did have some egg drop soup today for lunch and it was AMAZING. Seriously I could've eaten 3 cups of it, it was such an unexpected tasty surprise!
Okay so before I forget I have to tell you all the story of how I told my 5 and 6 year old brother and sister that they were going to have a niece or nephew! So I took Hanora (6) and Jack (5) trick or treating on Halloween. We were all dressed up.... well they were dressed up and I just wore odds and ends pieces of Jack's costume. Jack was a pirate (who got mistaken for a pilgrim at almost every house because he refused to wear the hat, eyepatch, clip on earring, and wouldn't carry the sword! What
5 year old BOY wouldnt want to carry a sword?!) and Hanora was a "she" devil (she picked out the costume solely based on the wand that came with.) As you might already have caught on, my brother and sister are two funny little kids! So after we got done trick or treating we went back to my house and they counted their candy and sorted it out into groups and all that stuff that kids do when they are looking over their treasured items of the night. I figured, this would be a good time to tell the kids about the baby! So we were sitting down and I said, "hey guys guess what?" it took me about 5 minutes to steal
their Hanora's attention from the candy and 'It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown.' (I couldn't manage to capture Jack's attention.) So I said to Hanora, "You're going to be an auntie!!" and she was just kinda confused, so I explained that I was going to have a baby and she was going to be the baby's auntie just like how she has an auntie and blah blah blah. She got wide eyed and a big smile peeled across her face, she said "I'm going to hold the baby all the time! I'm going to be an auntie even though I'm still little!" She was thrilled, I was happy, I'm thinking to myself, "This is going great! Now I'm going to tell Jack!!" So finally, when Jack was all done counting his 80 pieces of candy, I began to break the news to him, I said, "Hey Jack, I'm having a baby, and you are going to be an uncle, like your uncle Tim." He just looked away and had a really bummed out look on his face, then he looked back at me and said, "But I don't want to have a beard." OH MY GOSH PEOPLE! I could not stop laughing. Okay so when I said he was going to "be like Uncle Tim" he thought I meant that he was literally going to be like him, a grown adult with a beard. I suppose I should be a little more clear when talking to a 5 year old. Anyways I thought that was hilarious, my brother and sister are amazing and I would be the luckiest mom in the world to be blessed with a child as wonderful, brilliant, hilarious, and beautiful as they are.
Halloween Fun!!! Just before trick or treating! |
Speaking of Holidays, Thanksgiving is this Thursday and let me tell you my mother goes to town on all the food she makes. It is my favorite meal of the year and I cant wait to stuff myself like a Thanksgiving turkey! Also, let
us me not forget the spirit of the most important thing,
Thankfulness. I am thankful for so many things this year, my family, my friends, my amazing boyfriend, our baby, the wonderful support we have from everyone, a working car, good health, the wonderful country we live in, and..... my new job at Lasata Salon and Spa! YAHOO! I just went in for my second interview today and they hired me right before I left! Not sure when I start yet, they've got to make a schedule for me and I have to go in and sign some papers and la-de-da, but anyways, I have a ton to be thankful for.
So I will wrap this puppy up with my 13 week bump picture. This week the baby is the size of a peach! Oh yum! Seriously who thought of comparing your unborn child to food?! We are pregnant women, not a fabulous idea to tell us that our baby is a peach or a plum or any other delicious treat! Im obviously food obsessed so just ignore me and look at my adorable chalkboard and baby bump!
The chalkboard, me and the conspicuous "bump" extra chub. |
Until next week!
<3 Me & Baby D.