Since I'm 10.5 weeks and started blogging just now, I started with 4 weeks and figured I would break if up so there wasn't one extremely long and boring post. I wanted to be that pregnant girl who had adorable belly pictures every single week (I'll post an example pic from this cute blog I came across) but I have been so tired nauseous and fatigued that I have had no energy to do it! I have a couple of mirror belly pictures from weeks 8 and 10, and starting week 11 I am going to commit to do some really cute belly pictures every week!
Example belly pic from |
ooh ooh ooh! Another thing, i have a most favorite app on my phone right now, its the "What to Expect When You're Expecting" app. It tells you week by week the size of the baby and how much longer you have left! Its so cool, every week I send the update to my mom, Sammy and two best friends. Its so wonderful!
Raspberry Baby, 7 Weeks!
8 weeks, Green Olive baby! |
9 weeks, prune baby,
and I could use some prunes..... |
Gettin so big! |
The first trimester is something I have never imagined would be so
not fun GRUELING. I am extremely tired all the time, I am nauseous but never to the point of throwing up (thank you Lord!) I thought that I would have cravings and want to eat everything all the time but no I have aversions. which are the complete opposite, I do not want to eat anything and I'm lucky if something sounds good enough for me stomach. Usually if I do have a craving I will eat it and afterward I never want to see that food ever again in my life!
Cravings so far:
Macaroni & Cheese:RULED OUT
Mr. Pizza, Cheese Pizza: RULED OUT
Chinese food:RULED OUT
White Cheddar Cheese Its: LOVE 'EM!
Candy of every kind: LOVE IT!
I really haven't had any other cravings, the only thing I like right now are those last two things! So needless to say I have lost some weight!
Well Sammy and I had our first Dr's appointment about a month ago I want to say, I honestly don't remember the date, but it was just an informative appointment where the nurse just asked us a zillion questions about our family health history. I was so so so hoping to be able to do an ultra sound but the nurse said it was way too early for the ultra sound machine to pick anything up. At the end of the appointment she gave us this big whopping book called the Mayo Clinic Guide to Pregnancy, which has been a total life saver for me, the extra nervous & curious woman!
Looking at my little blob baby! |
Our second Dr. appointment was on October 17th, so I was just over 8 weeks, and we got to do the ultra sound! I was so so so so so so excited!!!! I was really nervous too, all I wanted to know was that our baby had a heartbeat. The Dr. put that cold blue jelly on my belly and tried looking for the baby and she was having a really hard time locating the baby. So we had to do the more invasive ultra sound... ughhh. I just focused my attention on the screen and seconds later there it was, a little blob with a fluttering heart beating so incredibly fast. All I could say was "Babe!! There it is! See, look at the heartbeat!" It was incredible, and to think that little blob was ours, it was so surreal and it still is!
Baby D's measurements! |
Baby Diaz, 8 weeks! |
So like I said I am 10.5 weeks so our next appointment is at 12 weeks, which is also 3 months, which also means I will be done with the first trimester! YAHOO! I cant wait!! ANOTHER exciting thing is that my friend told me about this 3D ultrasound that tells you the baby's gender at 16 weeks! So I booked that appointment too, so we will be finding out the gender on December 13th! Both mine and Sammy's mom have a feeling its going to be a girl, Sammy wants a boy, and at this point I would be so excited for either one! Im kinda leaning towards a girl just because me and mom have already been surfing the web for some adorable girl nurseries, clothing, and those huge flippin bows to plop on the baby's head! But whatever gender Baby Diaz is, he or she is certain to be showered with so much love!
Belly at 8 weeks! |
10 week belly pic! |
Until Next time!
<3 Me & Baby D.
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