I am so very proud to announce that I am officially in the SECOND trimester! :) No more nausea
I started my new job at Lasata Salon and Spa on Monday, and it is amazing! I am so blessed! Absolutely everyone that I have met so far is so wonderful and friendly and I am so excited to meet all the girls and get to know each and every one of them! Today was my second day and let me tell you, I have a serious case of pregnancy brain. I don't know if any of you have heard of pregnancy brain, but the theory is that your brain turns to mush during pregnancy and is almost completely useless to you. I can never find ANYTHING, and I forget or mix up EVERYTHING. So needless to say, pregnancy makes you a total airhead. Well yesterday my wonderful boss wrote down a schedule for me for the next two weeks. I entered it all into the calendar on my phone, memorized my schedule, and kept the piece of paper in my purse just in case. Well last night I went to bed at 12:00 am because I didn't have to work until 11:00 am. Well I forgot to set my alarm clock and I got a call from my boyfriend at 10:00 am! THANK YOU LORD. It was a close call. So I got ready really quick because I wanted to be to work early, I got to work about 10:55 am and walked to the back to meet with my boss. I put my coat away, Im feeling good, I'm early for work, I say hello to my boss, and she says "Oh you're here! I had you down to work at 10 this morning, but maybe I told you 11." My heart
Well, Mom and I are getting ready for Christmas! Oh my word Christmas is my most favorite holiday! I love everything about it, the movies, the music, the treats, the joy, the spirituality, and the magic of it all. Oh and I love to drag it out as long as possible, so even before the thanksgiving turkey is set on the table, mom and I already have half the house decorated! (I may be exaggerating just a tad.) But over the next few weeks mom and I are going to be doing a TON of Christmas baking! I will be attending a Christmas concert with "the girls" (my Mom, my Aunt Robin, and my BFF Nikki.) We do an annual girls baking weekend, where we buy matching pajamas and bake Christmas goodies until our fingers bleed green and red.
I don't think I can think of anything else new going on with us, Sammy is doing really well, I am doing really well, and baby is doing really well! No new cravings this week besides the fact that I want Christmas dinner already. but HEY in just 16 days we get to find out the gender of baby Diaz! I CANNOT WAIT! Anyways, here is the 14 week pic! Have a blessed week everyone! I hope your Thanksgiving last week was fabulous, I know mine was (I ate so much, and it was SO good.) Oh and p.s. I have a VISIBLE bump now!!!!!!! yay!
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14 weeks, we have a lemon baby!!!! |
Until next time
<3 Me and Baby D