Tuesday, November 27, 2012

{14} WEEKS :)

I am so very proud to announce that I am officially in the SECOND trimester! :) No more nausea no more a teensy bit of fatigue, and thats really the only difference. Now I have new symptoms, and they aren't pretty! I'm always plugged up, if you know what I mean, aaaand I guess little peanut is sitting right on my bladder because if I sneeze or cough or exert to much body force, I pee just a little. What the heck is happening to my body!? I feel like an old grandma who needs to eat a thousand prunes and wear Depends. But despite all of this weirdo stuff thats happening to me I am so overjoyed that sooner than I think I will have my precious baby in my arms!

I started my new job at Lasata Salon and Spa on Monday, and it is amazing! I am so blessed! Absolutely everyone that I have met so far is so wonderful and friendly and I am so excited to meet all the girls and get to know each and every one of them! Today was my second day and let me tell you, I have a serious case of pregnancy brain. I don't know if any of you have heard of pregnancy brain, but the theory is that your brain turns to mush during pregnancy and is almost completely useless to you. I can never find ANYTHING, and I forget or mix up EVERYTHING. So needless to say, pregnancy makes you a total airhead. Well yesterday my wonderful boss wrote down a schedule for me for the next two weeks. I entered it all into the calendar on my phone, memorized my schedule, and kept the piece of paper in my purse just in case. Well last night I went to bed at 12:00 am because I didn't have to work until 11:00 am. Well I forgot to set my alarm clock and I got a call from my boyfriend at 10:00 am! THANK YOU LORD. It was a close call. So I got ready really quick because I wanted to be to work early, I got to work about 10:55 am and walked to the back to meet with my boss. I put my coat away, Im feeling good, I'm early for work, I say hello to my boss, and she says "Oh you're here! I had you down to work at 10 this morning, but maybe I told you 11." My heart sank PLUMMETED into my stomach. I said, "Yeah, I think you told me 11!" (I pulled out the piece of paper with the schedule that was in my purse...... it said 10:00 am) UGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! I felt so bad and I apologized a million times, but everyone ended up just laughing about it, (thank goodness for me!) So what happened is that I got today (Tuesday) and Wednesday's schedules all flipped around! So tomorrow I'm going in an hour early to make up for lost time! ;)

Well, Mom and I are getting ready for Christmas! Oh my word Christmas is my most favorite holiday! I love everything about it, the movies, the music, the treats, the joy, the spirituality, and the magic of it all. Oh and I love to drag it out as long as possible, so even before the thanksgiving turkey is set on the table, mom and I already have half the house decorated! (I may be exaggerating just a tad.) But over the next few weeks mom and I are going to be doing a TON of Christmas baking! I will be attending a Christmas concert with "the girls" (my Mom, my Aunt Robin, and my BFF Nikki.) We do an annual girls baking weekend, where we buy matching pajamas and bake Christmas goodies until our fingers bleed green and red.

I don't think I can think of anything else new going on with us, Sammy is doing really well, I am doing really well, and baby is doing really well! No new cravings this week besides the fact that I want Christmas dinner already. but HEY in just 16 days we get to find out the gender of baby Diaz! I CANNOT WAIT! Anyways, here is the 14 week pic! Have a blessed week everyone! I hope your Thanksgiving last week was fabulous, I know mine was (I ate so much, and it was SO good.)  Oh and p.s. I have a VISIBLE bump now!!!!!!! yay!

14 weeks, we have a lemon baby!!!!

Until next time
<3 Me and Baby D

Monday, November 19, 2012

13 Weeks!

Oh my word! 13 weeks! This post wont be as exciting as normal because nothing that spectacular happened besides BREAKING DAWN PART 2 COMING OUT!!!!! :)

My BFF Nikki and I went to BDP2 on Friday evening, it was so good, and when it was over I bawled like a baby, I literally hid my face into my purse trying to muffle my hysterical cries, I kept saying crying "It's over!" Then I went to the movie again the next day with my wonderful man, and of course cried again. I seriously want to cry just thinking about it now, those closing credits were beautiful!!! (WHO AM I?! I've turned into such a sap!) Needless to say I loved the book series, I loved the movies, and I'm just devastated that "its over!" waaaahhhh! ;) oh pregnancy does wonderful things to your hormone levels!

This week I was super duper craving gyros from (drumroll please) the ever fabulous, Nupa! You're not supposed to have lamb and veal and all those baby immature animal meats (it sounds better when I say it like that.) But I asked my doctor and she said that I could give into my desire, as long as it was in moderation! So yesterday I went to Nupa with my other BFF Tori and stuffed myself (with what room I have left in my abdominal cavity) with a delish Gyro and some Lemon Chicken and Rice soup! YUM-O! Other than that I still just want pasta all the time, and fresh fruit and veggies! Nothing else is really floatin my boat! But I did have some egg drop soup today for lunch and it was AMAZING. Seriously I could've eaten 3 cups of it, it was such an unexpected tasty surprise!

Okay so before I forget I have to tell you all the story of how I told my 5 and 6 year old brother and sister that they were going to have a niece or nephew! So I took Hanora (6) and Jack (5) trick or treating on Halloween. We were all dressed up.... well they were dressed up and I just wore odds and ends pieces of Jack's costume. Jack was a pirate (who got mistaken for a pilgrim at almost every house because he refused to wear the hat, eyepatch, clip on earring, and wouldn't carry the sword! What 5 year old BOY wouldnt want to carry a sword?!) and Hanora was a "she" devil (she picked out the costume solely based on the wand that came with.) As you might already have caught on, my brother and sister are two funny little kids! So after we got done trick or treating we went back to my house and  they counted their candy and sorted it out into groups and all that stuff that kids do when they are looking over their treasured items of the night. I figured, this would be a good time to tell the kids about the baby! So we were sitting down and I said, "hey guys guess what?" it took me about 5 minutes to steal their Hanora's attention from the candy and 'It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown.' (I couldn't manage to capture Jack's attention.) So I said to Hanora, "You're going to be an auntie!!" and she was just kinda confused, so I explained that I was going to have a baby and she was going to be the baby's auntie just like how she has an auntie and blah blah blah. She got wide eyed and a big smile peeled across her face, she said "I'm going to hold the baby all the time! I'm going to be an auntie even though I'm still little!" She was thrilled, I was happy, I'm thinking to myself, "This is going great! Now I'm going to tell Jack!!" So finally, when Jack was all done counting his 80 pieces of candy, I began to break the news to him, I said, "Hey Jack, I'm having a baby, and you are going to be an uncle, like your uncle Tim." He just looked away and had a really bummed out look on his face, then he looked back at me and said, "But I don't want to have a beard." OH MY GOSH PEOPLE! I could not stop laughing. Okay so when I said he was going to "be like Uncle Tim" he thought I meant that he was literally going to be like him, a grown adult with a beard. I suppose I should be a little more clear when talking to a 5 year old. Anyways I thought that was hilarious, my brother and sister are amazing and I would be the luckiest mom in the world to be blessed with a child as wonderful, brilliant, hilarious, and beautiful as they are.

Halloween Fun!!! Just before trick or treating! 

Speaking of Holidays, Thanksgiving is this Thursday and let me tell you my mother goes to town on all the food she makes. It is my favorite meal of the year and I cant wait to stuff myself like a Thanksgiving turkey! Also, let us me not forget the spirit of the most important thing, Thankfulness. I am thankful for so many things this year, my family, my friends, my amazing boyfriend, our baby, the wonderful support we have from everyone, a working car, good health, the wonderful country we live in, and..... my new job at Lasata Salon and Spa! YAHOO! I just went in for my second interview today and they hired me right before I left! Not sure when I start yet, they've got to make a schedule for me and I have to go in and sign some papers and la-de-da, but anyways, I have a ton to be thankful for.

So I will wrap this puppy up with my 13 week bump picture. This week the baby is the size of a peach! Oh yum! Seriously who thought of comparing your unborn child to food?! We are pregnant women, not a fabulous idea to tell us that our baby is a peach or a plum or any other delicious treat! Im obviously food obsessed so just ignore me and look at my adorable chalkboard and baby bump!

The chalkboard, me and the conspicuous "bump" extra chub.

Until next week! 
<3 Me & Baby D.

Thursday, November 15, 2012


Hey everybody! Friends, family, loved ones, today is the day that I tell you our exciting news! We are having a baby, and we will welcome our precious blessing into the world around May 26th, 2013. I have been keeping this blog for a few weeks now, so go right ahead and look at the past posts, those kinda walk you through the beginning weeks of the pregnancy! I am 12 weeks right now, and feeling great, like I said in my last post, I am no longer nauseas and that hasn't changed so I think we are in the clear! PTL! But I am very fatigued, always always always  TIRED. ugh! But as I get closer to that 2nd trimester that should subside.

Yesterday Sam and I went to our 12 week Doctor Appointment, at the appointment our amazing Doctor (we just love her!) just asked us if we had any questions and then she was like "Are you ready to look at baby?!" and of course I hopped up on the bed faster than anything. She prepped me for the ultrasound with the blue goo and she put the wand on my tummy and moved it around and we saw our baby, and he/she actually looked like a real baby, no longer a little blob! It was amazing, I could feel tears welling up and then i just laughed, I was so incredibly happy. The baby's heartbeat was going strong, 158 bpm. He/she had her arms crossed and his/her little hands covering it's face. I think the baby must have been really comfortable or sleeping or something because he/she was being REAAAAAL stubborn. Our Dr. kept putting pressure on the baby but nope, Baby D. wasn't havin it, the baby just threw up his/her arm as to say, "talk to the hand!" Sammy and I were joking with the Doctor saying, "oh man she's already giving us trouble, we have a stubborn one!" So we just got one picture out of the session and its not one of those sweet profile views like every other person gets, oh no, its a view of the baby looking straight ahead, like he/she is looking straight at you. Its so funny because it just looks like the baby is making a funny face or something, because its so hard to make out the facial features.

Baby is laying sideways head is that first little blob
belly is the second blob (same size as head) and that little
white line attached to the belly is one of the arms!

Even though I would have loved an adorable picture, what is important is that the baby is healthy, the heart is beating at a normal rate, and all of my stats are normal. So I thank God for that! Well I don't really have any new cravings or anything since last week. Still really loving pasta, pasta of any kind! I cant think of any other new things going on, so I guess I will bring this one to a close with one of the chalkboard pictures that I promised!!! There is a tiny bump!!!

Until next week!!
<3 Me and Baby D.

Monday, November 12, 2012

11 week update.. a little late.. ;)

Ok. So I know I promised I would start doing the belly pictures this past week, but I was supposed to have somebody take them and they never showed up so, and I am now in the 12th week, so there is no point in taking an 11 week picture. BUT, I did get the chalkboard done, and I do have a picture!!

My finished Chalkboard!

I absolutely promise that this week I will have belly pictures with the chalkboard! Although my belly is not huge, there is definitely a little bump there! I am anxious for when it looks more rounded and pregnant instead of just looking like a fatty pooch! 

Well I can tell you that This pregnancy has made me so hormonal! I cry about EVERYTHING and I can get a little cranky, my amazing sweet man can attest to that (he is wonderful by the way, I don't know how he puts up with me!) But I cry during movies, commercials, just little things that I think of, songs, I cry over food, just about everything! But the good part is that I'm getting closer and closer to the 2nd Trimester and I can tell you I'm already starting to feel a change! I am hardly ever nauseas, and I mean I haven't felt sick AT ALL for the past few days! I also have been craving wonderful delicious foods and after I eat them I can still eat them again. In fact I have eaten Fettuccine Alfredo and breadsticks from Fazoli's for the past 3 days in a row (i have leftovers that I'm going to eat today, so make that 4 days in a row!)

   Fettuccine Alfredo
Can't forget the BREADSTICKS!!!

Fettuccine Alfredo w/ Breadsticks from Fazoli's 
Canadian Bacon and Pineapple w/ Garlic Crust from Domino's
Mama Cozi's Supreme Pizza (thick crust) from the freezer section at Aldi's
Celery and Baby Carrots w/ Jimmy's Veggie Dip

This week is an exciting one, for me and the pregnancy! Today I am going to get my haircut and brows waxed (UM HELLO HAIR GROWTH!!!!!) the pregnancy has made my hair and nails grow like mad!  So anyways I need a little LOT of special attention because I have a Job Interview tomorrow!! :D YAYYYY!!! So thats exciting, and then on Wednesday we have our 12 week Dr. Appointment, so I am hoping for another ultra sound picture because on Thursday, Sammy and I are announcing the pregnancy to all of you who will be reading this!! I cant wait to tell everyone!

Well until then!
<3 Me and Baby D.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Playing Catch Up!

Since I'm 10.5 weeks and started blogging just now, I started with 4 weeks and figured I would break if up so there wasn't one extremely long and boring post. I wanted to be that pregnant girl who had adorable belly pictures every single week (I'll post an example pic from this cute blog I came across) but I have been so tired nauseous and fatigued that I have had no energy to do it! I have a couple of mirror belly pictures from weeks 8 and 10, and starting week 11 I am going to commit to do some really cute belly pictures every week!

Example belly pic from
ooh ooh ooh! Another thing, i have a most favorite app on my phone right now, its the "What to Expect When You're Expecting" app. It tells you week by week the size of the baby and how much longer you have left! Its so cool, every week I send the update to my mom, Sammy and two best friends. Its so wonderful!

                          Raspberry Baby, 7 Weeks!

8 weeks, Green Olive baby!

                       9 weeks, prune baby,
                     and I could use some prunes.....
    Gettin so big!

The first trimester is something I have never imagined would be so not fun GRUELING. I am extremely tired all the time, I am nauseous but never to the point of throwing up (thank you Lord!) I thought that I would have cravings and want to eat everything all the time but no I have aversions. which are the complete opposite, I do not want to eat anything and I'm lucky if something sounds good enough for me stomach. Usually if I do have a craving I will eat it and afterward I never want to see that food ever again in my life!

Cravings so far:
Macaroni & Cheese:RULED OUT
Mr. Pizza, Cheese Pizza: RULED OUT
Chinese food:RULED OUT
White Cheddar Cheese Its: LOVE 'EM!
Candy of every kind: LOVE IT!

I really haven't had any other cravings, the only thing I like right now are those last two things! So needless to say I have lost some weight!

Well Sammy and I had our first Dr's appointment about a month ago I want to say, I honestly don't remember the date, but it was just an informative appointment where the nurse just asked us a zillion questions about our family health history. I was so so so hoping to be able to do an ultra sound but the nurse said it was way too early for the ultra sound machine to pick anything up. At the end of the appointment she gave us this big whopping book called the Mayo Clinic Guide to Pregnancy, which has been a total life saver for me, the extra nervous & curious woman!

Looking at my little blob baby!
Our second Dr. appointment was on October 17th, so I was just over 8 weeks, and we got to do the ultra sound! I was so so so so so so excited!!!! I was really nervous too, all I wanted to know was that our baby had a heartbeat. The Dr. put that cold blue jelly on my belly and tried looking for the baby and she was having a really hard time locating the baby. So we had to do the more invasive ultra sound... ughhh. I just focused my attention on the screen and seconds later there it was, a little blob with a fluttering heart beating so incredibly fast. All I could say was "Babe!! There it is! See, look at the heartbeat!" It was incredible, and to think that little blob was ours, it was so surreal and it still is!

Baby D's measurements!
Baby Diaz, 8 weeks!
So like I said I am 10.5 weeks so our next appointment is at 12 weeks, which is also 3 months, which also means I will be done with the first trimester! YAHOO! I cant wait!! ANOTHER exciting thing is that my friend told me about this 3D ultrasound that tells you the baby's gender at 16 weeks! So I booked that appointment too, so we will be finding out the gender on December 13th! Both mine and Sammy's mom have a feeling its going to be a girl, Sammy wants a boy, and at this point I would be so excited for either one! Im kinda leaning towards a girl just because me and mom have already been surfing the web for some adorable girl nurseries, clothing, and those huge flippin bows to plop on the baby's head! But whatever gender Baby Diaz is, he or she is certain to be showered with so much love!

Belly at 8 weeks!
10 week belly pic!
Until Next time!
<3 Me & Baby D.