Okay, I am so sorry that I didn't get my 24 week post up in time, I was a little delayed. Sam and I were house sitting for my aunt so I wasn't home to make the chalkboard and take the picture! So thank you for being patient and waiting til now! Lets see here, my belly is flipping humungous!!! Seriously, I look like I could give birth any minute and I still have a little over three months left!! ahhhh! Last night I had to go through my closet again and put away the rest of my pre-pregnancy clothing. NOTHING fits me anymore, I cannot get away with oversized flowy shirts.. unless they are Sam's T-Shirts, which I normally wear to bed now! I will say that Old Navy has been my saving grace, their maternity clothes are amazing and fit SO well and make a pregnant lady feel so purty, and let me tell you, that is not an easy feat! Speaking of clothes, I have been accumulating loads and loads of clothes for Lilly, it seems like her wardrobe is expanding while mine is quickly depleting! I am so blessed that I have wonderful people buying
beautiful outfits for Lilly or giving me
fabulous hand me downs, hey people, nothing wrong with hand me downs, I LOVE them! I wish I could show you all the cute things she has, looking at all of it makes me so excited for her to get here. The only downside, I am running out of places to put all of her stuff, and we haven't even had her baby shower yet! The baby shower planning is in its beginning stages and my two BFF's and I are having lots of fun 'pinning' all of our ideas, I have the colors picked out and I am SO excited, especially for the food! Only a pregnant lady.. or a man.. LOL. Well kiddos, as Lilliana's arrival draws nearer I have also begun to plan Lilliana's nursery. I have her crib currently being shipped, and her changing table and a sweet armoire picked out. My amazing mother is making Lilliana's bedding and we have all the fabric for that picked out, now its just a matter of making it. I will definitely make another blog post solely on her nursery, I am so excited to show you all everything we have picked out! Well getting back onto topic, here are my 24 and 25 week pics!

How far along? 24 & 25 weeks
Total weight gain: 16.7 lbs
Maternity clothes? thats the only kind that fits! ;)
Stretch Marks? I found some on my inner thighs... UGHHHHH!
Sleep: Wretched, my shoulders, neck and back are killin me smalls!
Best moment this week: My little sister Hanora got to feel Lilliana kick! It was such a special moment and I will always cherish it!
Miss anything? SLEEEEEEP.
Movement: YES, lots and lots and I love every kick, flip and flutter!
Food cravings: ice cream, you scream we all I scream for ice cream! ..and I'm quite greedy with it. This week and last week I've eaten, Breyer's cookie dough ice cream and their chocolate ice cream. Ben and Jerry's Chunky Monkey ice cream and their Berry Voluntary ice cream. I am currently working on a tub of Edy's Peanut Butter Cup ice cream. OMG YUM!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Mozzarella Sticks. makes my tummy churn just thinking about them...
Gender: girl!
Labor Signs: nope!
Symptoms: constipation, YIKES. fatigue.
Belly Button in or out? in!
Happy or Moody most of the time: umm happy, but I stayed up cleaning last night and was quite a crab because of how tired I was.
Looking forward to: SUNDAY! Me and my BFF Tori are headed up to my other BFF Nikki's house to do some baby shower planning!!!! I have the best BFF's EVER!
Until next time,
<3 Me and L.G.
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